Bakken Park
4064 Vilas Rd

Cottage Grove, WI

2023 League Schedule

Games are played at
Bakken Park
4064 Vilas Rd.
Cottage Grove 

18 Teams play 8 games in a season

Games are played in months of JUNE & JULY
Opening Night is Tuesday, June 6th

Weekly Schedule :

 Tuesdays :  5:30, 6:30, 7:30 (except July 4th)

 Wednesdays :  5:30, 6:30, 7:30

 Thursdays :  5:30, 6:30, 7:30


Contact: Bill Schultz, Executive Director
• 608-575-7580

Batter and buddy for Miracle League baseball
Batter in a wheelchair hitting a ball off of a tee.