Fall Ball Registration is Now CLOSED. 

Bakken Park
4064 Vilas Rd

Cottage Grove, WI

Player Information

The 2024 Fall Ball League is now CLOSED.

What You Need To Know 

The four-game season will run during the month of September. These are the game dates:

  • Wednesday, September 4
  • Wednesday, September 11
  • Wednesday, September 18
  • Wednesday, September 25

Games will be held at 6:00pm and 7:00pm. 4 teams, 15 players per team.

The League is limited to the first 60 players that are signed up. 

Who’s Eligible To Play? 

Any child with a disability who is at least age 4 up to age 20 is ELIGIBLE.


Registration fee is $20.

IMPORTANT – If a third party is paying the registration fee:
In the DISCOUNT CODE box, type in the code MLDCFALL2024. That will allow you to add the name and email of your case worker and not pay the fee yourself.

We are excited about our Third Fall League this year. Come play Under the Lights!

Get In Touch

The contact information you provide on your registration form allows us to keep you up to date on league schedules, game cancellations, safety precautions, and season status.

For more information, contact Bill Schultz, Executive Director, using the phone/email listed below: 

(608) 575-7580


How it all works

Miracle League of Dane County
Game Rules & Regulations


  • Players must be registered by a parent or legal guardian and have signed/agreed to liability and media release. A parent or guardian MUST be in attendance for the Child to play. Players should arrive 30 minutes before game time.
    * All volunteers must register to be on the field, this INCLUDES PARENTS.
  • Each Player and Volunteer is covered by insurance.
  • Each Player receives a team jersey, team hat, and foam bat. Each new Buddy receives a Buddy shirt.
  • Each Player gets to bat each inning.
  • Each Player gets to circle the bases to score a run each inning.
  • Every Player scores and is never called “Out”.
  • Last batter up each inning hits a “Home Run”.
  • Two innings per game.
  • Game Time = 1 hour and 15 minutes (max)
  • Each Player has an assigned Buddy for each game. At times, a substitute Buddy may be provided. Parents may also be requested to fill in as Child’s Buddy. Parents are REQUIRED to wear a buddy shirt.
  • Teams consist of no more than 12/13 Players.
  • Each Player receives a memento at the end of the season.
  • A foam baseball is used. A special “beeping “ball is available for the visually impaired.
  • Players AND Volunteers MUST wear proper athletic shoes. No Shoes; No Play. Players and Volunteers MUST also be in uniform. No Uniform; No Play. Both of these rules will be strictly enforced this year by both the Game Operations Supervisor and Executive Director.
  • Food, chewing gum, Gatorade, soda, juice (or any other flavored drinks) are not permitted in the dugouts. WATER ONLY!
  • Games are canceled in the event of rain or inclement weather. Cancellations are posted on the website, Facebook and communicated to coaches for team contact.
  • Each team has a Head Coach and Assistant Coaches. Coaches will work closely with the Game Operations head, Mike Bauler, and are expected to enforce league rules with parents, players, and buddies.
  • An Umpire covers each game to call Players safe at first and home and help in the pace of the game. Enthusiasm is necessary for this position; they must help make the game FUN.
  • Coaches are to huddle the children before the start of each game.
    • Give a Pep Talk
    • Give a great big “GOOOOOO (Team Name)”
  • Reminder that Buddies are there for three reasons.
    • Safety and protection of the Miracle League Player
    • Assist the Miracle League Player, but only as needed encouragement
  •  A scholarship fund is available for players who are not able to pay the registration fee. Scholarship applications must be received and approved before a player can play.

*The Miracle League of Dane County’s number one priority is to maintain a safe and fun environment for all our players, volunteers, coaches, visitors, and league management. We have a “ZERO TOLERANCE” policy when it comes to profanity, threatening or abusive behavior, and violence of any kind. Recurrent incidents from the same individual may result in them being permanently banned from participating in the league.*

With regard to our players: We in management completely understand that underlying medical conditions may result in some of our players having more difficulty than others in managing their frustrations. If a player becomes aggressive or frustrated to the point it interferes with gameplay or with the safety of others, parents will be asked to remove their child from the field until such time it is safe for them to resume play. If aggressive behavior persists once the player returns to the field, he or she will be removed for the remainder of the game. Although we may sympathize with both you and your child, we still must consider the safety of all other participants on the field when making these decisions. We appreciate your understanding.

*Players who hit, kick, or otherwise assault their buddy, teammates, coaches, or any other authorized person on the field will be removed from the field immediately and may not be permitted to return. Repeated and regular incidents may result in the player being removed from the league for the remainder of the season.*

Miracle League of Dane County
Parent Expectations

The Miracle League goal is to make participation in the sport of baseball as enjoyable and realistic of an experience for your child as possible. Safety is a top priority. For that reason, we have volunteers who are buddies to assist
each child, and we have expectations of parents who sign up their child for the program. Please read and abide by the following Parent Expectations to help assure a safe and wonderful baseball environment. Your cooperation is

Bill Schultz/Executive Director of the Miracle League of Dane County
Mike Bauler/ Director of Game Operations

Parent Attendance – A parent or guardian MUST be in attendance at all of the Miracle League athlete’s games. The rule is “No Parent: No Play”.

  • When you agreed/signed the Release at Registration you agreed to this mandatory condition of play. By being present, the Parent is expected to be the first responder in any case of an illness, accident, or injury to their child. That parent is also expected to have on-hand any specific medications for that child and be solely responsible for dispensing them as required. YOU are there for all medical decisions involving your child. A first-aid kit is
    available behind home plate. This is not the buddy’s responsibility.

Uniform Required – The team uniform is required to be worn. “No Uniform  No Play”. This applies to parents acting as buddies as well. If you don’t have a buddy shirt, one will be supplied by our Game Operations Director.

Proper Shoes Required –Athletic shoes are the proper footwear. No open–toe shoes, sandals or slides/slip-ons allowed. This is a safety rule and will be enforced. “No Shoes: No Play”. 

Weekly Attendance Expected– If you cannot be in attendance at the next week’s game, it is expected that you communicate that to your team coach so that, as a courtesy, your child’s buddy can be informed to not have to be there or so they can be used to be a substitute buddy for another buddy who is unable to show.  Do not only inform your child’s buddy and expect that message to get back to your team leads.  You must contact your team coach.

Please understand that buddies are volunteering their time and we need to be respectful in informing them of a child’s absence.  Plus, they are excited and some of them are trying to earn community ‘service hours.’

Buddies Are to Remain at the Field ‘In Play’ (not at playground) – While our buddies are paired up with individual children, our buddies are dedicated to help the overall team. There is not an expectation for buddies to work or play with children ‘off’ the field at the playground or otherwise should a child
decide to leave the game, mid-game.  Unless buddies are family members, buddies should remain available to the team.

Only Authorized Persons Allowed on Field – Once coaches start preparing for the game, only authorized persons are allowed on the field (those players,
volunteers and team management that have signed electronic releases and are covered by the league’s insurance). Unless there as a buddy, this means no parents, other siblings, grandparents, etc. allowed otherwise on the field during games.

No Food or Beverages Allowed on Field or in Dugouts – Food and beverages, except for water, are not allowed in the dugouts or on the field. Parents, please do not furnish food, snacks, or beverages to be consumed in the dugouts or on the field. Spills and litter on the field could damage the field surface and usually results in a slippery, unsafe mess. Please help by ensuring all food and beverages remain off the field.

Thank you again for your cooperation!

Schedules will be out in May.